Fehling Group

Joanne M. Otani, RN, MSN, PHN

Senior Health Scientist

Ms. Otani is an environmental toxicologist with over 30 years of experience specializing in evaluating the potential for adverse health effects associated with exposure to a wide range of industrial and naturally occurring chemicals such as chlorinated solvents, hexavalent chromium, and polychlorinated dibenzofurans and dibenzodioxins (PCDFs/PCDDs). She has managed projects ranging from limited exposure health risk assessments to more complex, multi-chemical,
and multi-exposure assessments that may also include stochastic analyses, if necessary, to achieve the most cost-effective solution for sites. These sites have included landfills, incinerators, operating and former steel manufacturing facilities, an operating U.S. Department of Energy facility under the environmental restoration program, chemical manufacturing facilities, fuel storage and railroad yards, and pesticide manufacturing facilities. The regulations governing these assessments include CERCLA, RCRA, state-specific guidance, and state
voluntary cleanup programs under EPA Regions VI and IX; the California EPA, specifically the Department of Toxic Substances Control and the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment; the California Regional Water Quality Control Board’s North Coast, Central, and Los Angeles regions; California’s Bay Area and South Coast Air Quality Management Districts; the Contra Costa Health Care Agency; the Santa Clara Water District; and the Taiwan EPA.